About Me


Currently a graduate student at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley (formerly UTPA) pursuing a master's degree in Computer Science and a mathematics teacher at PSJA Southwest High School. I've taught all high school grade levels (9 to 12) including Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II in addition to being a University Interscholastic League (UIL) coach. I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from UTPA in Spring 2013. Shortly afterwards I began working as a high school math teacher. I like working on hands-on projects and coding which is what made me decide to go for an engineering major. At some point in the future I will go for a PhD in Computer Science with specialization in algorithms and AI.

I've always pushed myself to do my best at whatever I do. This combined with my enjoyment of taking on challenges helped me graduate early from high school and my undergraduate degree, each one finished in 3 years. Apart from sheer curiosity, the reason I decided to take so many engineering courses in various fields is because I personally feel that to be a good engineer one has to be able to tackle any problem given to them regardless of the engineering field. Additionally, understanding various concepts allows one to view problems in different directions, possibly leading to an unique solution. It's a good thing to have a breadth of knowledge. Better to know something and not need it than need it and not know it.

I plan on eventually working as a professor or a head researcher at some research institution or company. My main research interests are computational models (in particular quantum computing and models based on biology), applications of control theory, and AI applications for robotics. I am also interested in promoting science and engineering to the general public. Many people lack a good understanding of what science, math, and engineering are about. Scientific literacy is quite low and that can turn out to be quite detrimental for scientific and technological progress. Because of this I want to educate the general public about the important concepts of science and math, hence one of my personal projects which is to catalog as much information as possible about topics in science and math and making it accessible to the general public.

I'm also a curious world traveller, seeking the odd, obscure, and unusual places of the world. Popular destinations like Paris and Madrid are on my bucket list but I desire to explore other locations beforehand. Locations people don't usually think of visiting like North Korea, Chernobyl, Antarctica, and a few others. You can observe a list of all the locations I've been to on my travel page (along with an interactive map).

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Macroxela's Channel
Tripadvisor Profile Page

Here's a list of useful links mainly on programming, academic life, and interesting math and science tidbits.